Patricha is quite a talker and he jabbered about the history of the area showing the places where two hotels used to stand - the area used to be a get-a-way for Austrian aristocracy. Of course, all the talk was in Romanian as Ion and ...
Patricha is quite a talker and he jabbered about the history of the area showing the places where two hotels used to stand - the area used to be a get-a-way for Austrian aristocracy. Of course, all the talk was in Romanian as Ion and ...
tin minte si acum copilaria cu cenaclul, cat de frumos putea sa fie, Paunescu ce striga ceva cu realegerea lui Ceausescu, Paunescu ce alerga prin bHotel/b, nud, ca un faun, dupa junele dornice de cultura in provincie...caci deh era b..../b Maestre,v-am respectat si apreciat pana sa citesc blogul domniei voastre ,insa sincer va spun daca stiam despre ura dumneavoastra impotriva ungurilor mei,va puneam cit erati de lung pe burta in curtea scolii la bSacarimb/b cind jucam fotbal. ...